How to perform the A/B Testing in Checkout Upsell?

Learn how to perform A/B Testing display method in Checkout Upsell campaign through UpsellWP plugin.


In this scenario, A/B testing refers to the practice of testing different products of upsell offers or features during the checkout process to determine which one performs better in terms of conversion rate, revenue generation, and other key metrics.

Please note that before proceeding, you must have installed and activated the UpsellWP. It is important to note that this feature requires the PRO version.

Get UpsellWP PRO

Creating an offer:

  • Go to WordPress dashboard -> UpsellWP -> Create New Campaign -> choose “Checkout Upsell”.

  • Create two offer product

  • Click on the button “Add offer”.

  • Choose “Display Method” as (A/B Testing)

Here is the screenshot for creating offer A and its configuration that follows,

Detail of configurations for offer A:

Step 1: Choose the offer product (Cap) that you want to display on the checkout page by typing a few characters of the product name and setting a quantity for the selected offer product or adjusting the quantity based on your requirement.

Step 2: Choose the “Discount Type” as Percentage and set the value as 50%. You also have the option to choose other discount types such as fixed discount, free, and No discount.

Step 3: You have successfully created an offer, click on the button “Add offer”

Here is the screenshot for creating offer B and its configuration that follows,

Detail of configurations for offer B:

Step 1: Choose the offer product (Cap) that you want to display on the checkout page by typing a few characters of the product name and setting a quantity for the selected offer product or adjusting the quantity based on your requirement.

Step 2: Choose the “Discount Type” as Fixed Price and set the value as 25%. You also have the option to choose other discount types such as Percentage, Free and No discount.

Step 3: You have successfully created an offer, click on the button “Add offer”

Step 4: Once you have successfully created a campaign click Save and Close.

Here is the screenshot after adding two offer products,

Other details shown in the below screenshot are (optional):

Overall usage limit: The "Overall usage limit" refers to the maximum number of times an offer can be used by all customers as a whole. Something like early-bird offers for the first 5 users or 10 users.

For example, if the limit is 100, the offer can only be applied to a total of 100 orders, regardless of the number of customers. Once the limit is reached, the offer will get disabled automatically.

Usage limit per customer: The “Usage limit per customer” refers to a restriction on the number of times a specific upsell offer can be claimed by an individual customer. It sets a maximum limit on the usage of the upsell for each customer.

For example: If the usage limit per customer is set to 3, it means that each customer can only claim the offer up to a maximum of 3 times. Once a customer has claimed the offer 3 times, they will no longer be able to avail the offer.

Now, we have successfully created a campaign.

Let's see how it works on the Checkout page.

Now the offered product has been successfully displayed on our Checkout page. Please ensure to click “Get this exclusive offer now!” to avail the offered product. ​ It will display offer A or B one at a time on each refresh based on the offer A and B display percentage (ratio). So the customer will not see a static offer. instead, they will see offer A or B alternatively. So they can add offers A or B up to their convenience, Which leads to better conversion and your company's growth through upselling.

Here is the screenshot of the site after I refreshed it,

This is how the A/B Testing display method will work in the store-front

On the campaign configuration page, you can view details of how well each product is doing, such as the number of times it was used and the number of views it received. This will help you identify which products are performing the best, so you can keep them and remove the ones that aren't doing as well. This is how using our UpsellWP Plugin will boost your company's growth.

Here are some areas you might decide to test with your created campaigns:

  • CTA text

  • Titles/Headers

  • Fonts and colours.

  • Product images.

  • Templates

  • Discounts

Please note that before proceeding, you must have installed and activated the UpsellWP. It is important to note that this feature requires the PRO version.

Get UpsellWP PRO

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