Custom Taxonomy

Learn how to create custom filters and conditions using the UpsellWP Addon with Custom Taxonomy.


Custom taxonomy in UpsellWP lets you configure custom product categories and tags beyond the default options.

Let's get started:

You can set up custom filters and conditions on the campaign page with the Custom Taxonomy Addon.

Note: Ensure your UpsellWP PRO plugin is version 2.1.0 to access this feature in the plugin Dashboard.

Here are the steps to download and activate the Custom Taxonomy Add-On.

Step 1: Download the Custom Taxonomy Addon in the UpsellWp Add-ons sections.

Step 2: Upload the Custom Taxonomy Add-On in the WooCommerce Plugin section.

Step 3: Activate the Custom Taxonomy Add-On.

Now you can able to see the Custom Taxonomy addon is successfully activated on the UpsellWP Dashboard.

Now, you can able to choose the Custom filter and condition on the campaign page, to create a custom taxonomy you can use a plugin like "Perfect Brand for WooCommerce" and so on.

For example: Now let's see how to set the already created custom Brand (Polo) from the other third-party plugin like "Perfect brand for WooCommerce" set on the campaign page.

Here is the screenshot referring to filter configuring the custom taxonomy on the configuration page:

Now, you have successfully configured the Custom Taxonomy as the "Brand" on the campaign page. So you can see the upsell products for the Polo brand products.

Here is the front-end screenshot for your reference:

Now let's see how to set custom taxonomy in the condition section of the configuration page

Setting up the custom condition in the configuration page helps you to show the upsell products only when the condition gets matched.

Here is the screenshot of configuring the custom-created condition:

In the screenshot above, the upsell product cap will only displayed when the condition "Brand -> Inlist -> Polo" is matched.

Let's see how it works on the checkout page:

You have successfully created the custom condition on the both filter and condition sections of the UpsellWP.

Please make sure you have already installed and activated the UpsellWP plugin.

Please note that all of the features explained here are available only in the PRO version.

Get UpsellWP PRO

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Last updated